Bondi Produce Market Report January 30th 2023

Every week, we give you information and updates on the supply, quality and distribution of key produce, within in Ontario, and beyond. Subscribe to our Market Report newsletter to get these updates and other market alerts in real time!

What you need to know this week:


We continue to see very light supply on cucumbers and do not expect improvement for several weeks. Squash and bell peppers seem to be easing and the color pepper supply is excellent!

Tomato production is lighter this week in Florida and remains far from normal in a production perspective for this time of year due to several weather impacts over the past three months. We expect lower production and higher than normal market prices, but nothing too concerning.

Honeydew and cantaloupe have become quite a challenge due to cooler weather and will most likely not improve until Mid-February.

In Yuma, the weather has cooled with frost showing in the fields each morning, impacting a few of the markets and this will continue into next week but not expected to get extremely cold.