Bondi Produce Market Report June 19th 2023

Showers and severe weather in the southeast have slowed down or delayed harvesting holding some markets higher this week. We are seeing a mixed market on some commodities.

Supply is stable on pepper, cucumber, and squash out of South Georgia. Hot pepper market is active this week as Sinaloa wraps up and Baja is late. This is driving prices higher with strong demand on the Mexican national market keeping a majority of the Mexican crop in Mexico. Melons have transitioned to the desert, and remain tight until the end of June, but are slowly ramping up and honeydews will remain the shortest and subs may be necessary.

Supply continues to improve in the Salinas Valley and markets continue to settle. We will still see some growers continue to have unstable supplies as navigate through June, but we are not anticipating and major shortages over the next few weeks. Celery supplies are slowly improving although market is still very active. Salinas will be starting in a light way with improved volume by the end of the month. The avocado market continues to strengthen as it’s become competitive, securing Mexico’s volume with the limited orchards still harvesting old crop fruit.

The Loca harvest is expected to begin harvesting the first week of July but will depend on dry matter levels. We expect the Loca crop size curve to be heavy to small fruit, and the U.S. will continue to rely on the high elevation/old crop for size. We may start to see Jalisco, MX harvest start in the coming weeks, but this will also depend on dry matter and is predicted to favor small fruit.