Bondi Produce Market Report November 21st 2022
Every week, we give you information and updates on the supply, quality and distribution of key produce, within in Ontario, and beyond. Subscribe to our Market Report newsletter to get these updates and other market alerts in real time!
We continue to see struggles with weather in the East that will impact several Florida commodities for the remainder of the year. The entire tomato and mixed vegetable category crossing through Otay remain short due to weather impacts and virus. Production in South Georgia is slowing down as temperatures drop, but we should start transition to Florida over the next several weeks. Production out of Mainland Mexico on tomatoes continues to be well below normal due to weather and virus pressure. We expect extreme markets on tomatoes in all growing regions through the end of the year due to several recent extreme weather events as well as dry veg, and citrus crops throughout the region. In the west, Transition from Salinas to Yuma will be complete by the end of this week and we expect volatility across all markets as most shippers have been reaching into their crops early to cover the American holiday pull. Cool weather is not pushing the crop forward and most crops have the potential to develop gaps based on the reach and cool temperatures.