Bondi Produce Market Report November 14th 2022

Market Report Ontario - Bondi Produce


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Late season tropical Storm Nicole hit the state of Florida last week, the effects of which are yet to be determined but are expected to impact growing conditions. Coloured bell pepper supply remains tight as transitions to Baja and Coachella begin to ramp up. The entire tomato and mixed vegetable category crossing through Otay remain short due to weather impacts and virus. Production out of Mainland Mexico on tomatoes continues to be below normal due to weather and virus pressure; demand is high as consumers move west to source tomatoes since the growing regions of Central and South Florida were ravaged by Hurricane Ian. The Salinas season continues to be very challenging with quality, condition, and supply as markets are at record highs and all crops are affected. Many shippers have transitioned to Yuma with the last transitioning the week of Nov 21st, although we will continue to see low production and high markets as early supplies will be light after the heavy rains in Northern Mexico, the desert of California and Yuma during the early planting times.

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Watch: CBC Story on Lettuce Prices